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Morgan Kirk (she/her/hers)

Associate Director, Toro CARE

Morgan Kirk serves as the Associate Director of Toro CARE. 摩根在学生事务方面有七年的经验. 摩根的职业生涯一直以支持和倡导面临基本需求挑战的学生为中心, and she is deeply passionate about student development, equitable access, diversity, equity, and inclusion. 摩根持有加州州立大学教育硕士学位,重点是高等教育, Fullerton (CSUF), where she honed her skills and knowledge to better serve students. For the past four years, Morgan有幸在CSUDH工作,在那里她可以继续支持我们多样化学生群体的整体成长和福祉.

Christopher Battle (he/him)

CARE Coordinator, Toro CARE

Chris Battle serves as a Care Coordinator within the Toro Care Department. With over 8 years of experience working in Higher Education, 克里斯不仅带来了丰富的知识和以学生发展为中心的技能,而且他对在各种环境中与不同人群合作的热情和奉献精神. He has his M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration & Counseling from the University of Georgia and a B.S. in Rehabilitation Services & Counseling from East Carolina University.

他在博爱的经历塑造了他的这一角色 & Sorority Life Coordinator at Cal State LA, 在那里,他有幸与他们的大学护理团队合作,解决了无数的问题, including mental health, academic challenges, sexual misconduct, and financial hardships. In this capacity, He has honed his skills in assessing students' needs, developing personalized care plans, 并将他们与帮助他们实现目标所需的资源联系起来. 

Danny Deth (he/him/his)

CARE Coordinator, Toro CARE

Danny Deth is a Care Coordinator for the Toro Care Department. He has his MSW with a concentration on Children, Youth, 和他于2022年在加州州立大学多明格斯获得的家庭. Before his MSW program, 他也在这里完成了他的本科学业,并以优异的成绩获得了心理学学士学位.

丹尼的工作重点是儿童福利,他最初是为学龄青少年提供悲伤支持咨询服务. 他为正在经历悲伤和失去亲人的中小学生开办了悲伤小组. 他还为家长和员工提供正规澳门平台十大赌博悲伤的心理教育,使他们能够更好地支持他们的孩子和学生. 在成为一名护理协调员之前,他最近的经历是在儿童和家庭服务部. During his time at DCFS, 他支持参与该系统的家庭获得资源并协助他们执行法院命令的案件计划. He served all throughout Los Angeles County during his time at DCFS.

Kimberly Hall Snowden

CARE Coordinator, Toro CARE

Kimberly's focus has been on community mental health for the last 10 years. Kimberly has been with Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP), a non-profit contracted with Department of Mental Health, 儿童服务和缓刑部专门从事FSP强化服务, case management, crisis interventions and cognitive behavioral interventions. 金伯利最近一直是卫生服务部门健康住房的重要组成部分,她帮助启动了“海德公园的希望”,这是一个由洛杉矶市长凯伦·巴斯支持的永久性住房项目, Crenshaw Community Councilmember Marquecce Harris Dawson. 金伯利与利益相关者合作,帮助安置了许多长期无家可归的人. 金伯利为位于加迪纳的酒后驾车/其他行为健康服务团体提供了便利, CA and has volunteered for community-based transitional aged youth program, Teen Turnaround, for many years. Kimberly has served the communities of Los Angeles, Norwalk and Downey for several years in many roles as a volunteer, Non-Profit CEO & Founder and Clergy.

Giselle Corral (she/her/hers/ella)

Food Access Coordinator, Toro CARE

吉赛尔是澳门十大赌场注册平台托罗护理部门的食品获取协调员. Giselle is no stranger to the CSUDH campus. 她于2020年在这所大学获得了理学学士学位,目前正在攻读公共管理硕士学位, showing her commitment to lifelong learning. Throughout her academic journey, 吉赛尔有幸与不同的学生群体密切合作. 这些经历使她能够通过引人入胜的食品示范和有价值的营养教育与学生建立联系, all aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle, both on and off campus. Giselle's dedication extends beyond the classroom. 她积极与CSUDH社区内的各个部门合作,为所有人营造健康和幸福的文化. 她的目标是让健康的生活不仅仅是个人的选择,而是一种共享的经验,丰富整个卫生保健社区.

Cristina Lopez Macias

CalFresh Coordinator, Toro CARE

克里斯蒂娜在托罗护理部门担任CalFresh协调员, with over eight years of experience working in Higher Education. 克里斯蒂娜在招生管理方面拥有丰富的知识和技能, Financial Aid, Scholarships, and student budgeting. She has her M.A. in Guidance & 在洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学(Loyola Marymount University)主修高等教育,并获得了学士学位.A. in Anthropology and Legal Studies.

Before joining CSUDH, she worked as a Financial Aid Counselor at Loyola Marymount University, 为学生提供经济援助知识和资源,使他们更容易进入大学. As a first-generation Latinx college graduate, 克里斯蒂娜热衷于成为一名学生倡导者,她解决了教育不平等问题,并提供了一个全面的解决方案, social justice-oriented approach when working with students and families. 她很高兴能在华南理工大学继续这项工作,同时支持所有学生评估基本需求.

Liliana Arevalo Jimenez

Clinical CARE Coordinator, Toro CARE

Liliana is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. 她于2015年获得人类服务学士学位,并于2019年获得社会工作硕士学位, both from California State University, Dominguez Hills.

她的职业生涯始于社区心理健康,是一家签约机构的临床医生, where she delivered mental health services to children in the community. Later, 她加入了洛杉矶县心理健康部门,成为一名精神科社会工作者, 协助CalWORKs的参与者克服心理健康障碍,以获得就业或接受教育. 这个角色使她能够与各种社区成员合作,提供支持. Liliana takes pleasure in offering assistance, sharing knowledge, and advocating for marginalized communities. 她渴望运用自己的经验和专业知识来造福加州州立大学的学生, Dominguez Hills.

Candice Varnado Bangura

Director, Toro CARE

通过同情和谨慎将人们与他们需要的资源联系起来,Candice得到了推动. 她致力于最大限度地帮助托罗护理团队提供的服务,以最好地支持CSUDH学生群体. Candice在倡导领域拥有超过8年的经验, organizing for social change, student affairs, energy consulting, and development. She received both her B.A. 并在位于伊利诺伊州卡本代尔的南伊利诺伊大学获得教育学硕士学位.

Prior to joining CSUDH Toro CARE, Candice worked at Cal State LA in various capacities, including support of students providing crisis assessment, intervention, and stabilization services. In addition, 她协助学生领袖开展预防性暴力的培训和教育活动.